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Let’s rearm the debate

Another world is possible, argues Marion Joubert, answering fear with hope.

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    Figures from the 5 Conversations carried out with 60,000 18-30 year olds as part of the Youths for REAix24 project and available online

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Are we serious? Is this really the time to want to connect worlds? While societies are fracturing, tanks are clashing on our doorstep, people are fighting in many countries of the world, human beings are persecuted, children sleep in the streets of capitals, women bend under the blows of their tormentors, young people skip a meal a day to balance their budgets in France and only 9% of 18-30 year olds believe that school has been useful for their construction 1 , economists decide to debate all that France and part of the world count as great minds, as politicians, as researchers, as decision-makers, around a terrifying theme of humanism and a priori far from their fields of research.

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And why not?

Why not respond to fear with hope, especially that of the 9.3 million young people in France between the ages of 18 and 30, that another world is possible? We have been carrying this debate for 2 years without taboos and freely with 60,000 young people aged 18 to 30 about their future, their issues and their questions. They want to get involved, they want recognition, they are looking for meaning in their work, they want to be heard and taken into account in the political decisions that shape their future, that of the planet, etc.

A Sorry Debate

In 1 month, the battle between French and European political forces will be omnipresent in the mainstream media and will monopolize the debates. Everyone will be lamented by the lack of nuances, the absence of civic engagement, the mistrust of young people towards promises that are never kept, economic theories that are never accurate, the fear of populism but without any answer to give to all these real but not new evils.

In this context, the Circle of Economists has decided, without denying realities or blissful angelism, to debate the crucial importance of knowledge, solidarity, progress, cooperation and above all to propose to defend together indisputable values and a common long-term vision of the pillars of humanity: democracy, environmental reality and its evolution, freedom and recognition.

Democracy, environment and freedom

What for?

Because knowledge, education, training, information, culture, allow freedom, choice, debate, movement. Because solidarity, whether social or societal, whether it involves sport, state aid, the guarantee of a fair and equitable social contract, housing or work, carries within it the best that is probably the best that humans have. Because progress, which since the dawn of time has led to the evolution of living conditions on earth, must serve the desire to create, to invent, to perfect, to improve without threat and without fear. Because cooperation fosters synergies of skills and resilience in the face of shocks and the pooling of forces that make it possible to stabilize imbalances and effectively oppose attempts at chaos. Finally, because a common vision is necessary to think about the foundations of the future, it is the prerequisite for writing a common narrative through which we will avoid democratic, political and technological pitfalls in order to design an enviable and reassuring future.

So yes, we are very serious and yes it is indeed the right time, because instead of solving the world’s problems with our little arms we are trying to contribute boldly to giving a central place to the real debate without which no hope of a solution is even conceivable.

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