Marylise Leon
General Secretary of the CFDT
André Loesekrug-Pietri
Chair of the Joint European Disruptive Initiative (JEDI)
Sylvie Matelly
Deputy Director of IRIS
Elisabeth Moreno
Ancienne ministre française de la Parité, de la Diversité et de l’Egalité des chances
Samusocial of Paris
Samusocial of Paris
Alexandre Pastor
Founder of Melting POT
Pascal Picq
Paleoanthropologist, Senior Lecturer
Vincent Pons
Winner of the Best Young Economist Award 2022
Jean-Philippe Puig
Managing Director of Avril
Juliette Quef
Co-founder and president of the media outlet Vert
Mary-Françoise Renard
Professor at CERDI University Clermont Auvergne CNRS
Augustin de Romanet
President and Chief Executive Officer, Groupe ADP