André Cartapanis (1952-2024) had a wealth of experience in the analysis of international financial economics issues and the management of academic institutions. He holds a doctorate in economics and is a graduate of the agrégation exam in economics and is now professor emeritus at Sciences Po Aix. Director, for ten years, of the Centre for International Economics and Finance (CEFI), UMR CNRS-Université de la Méditerranée, he has held numerous management or evaluation positions within university bodies: Dean of the Faculty of Economics of Aix-Marseille, elected member for twelve years of the National Council of Universities, President of the French Association of Economic Science, president of the jury for the agrégation competition in economics, and also an expert with the HCERES or the ANR… He has supervised nearly 35 doctoral theses in economics.
He has contributed to numerous reports on behalf of national and international organizations (European Commission, UNESCO, Banque de France, Conseil d’Analyse Economique, Banque Centrale de Tunisie, Ministry of Higher Education and Research, etc.). His most recent publications cover a wide range of topics, including the financial sustainability of optimal currency areas, the return of inflation, the destabilizing effects of capital flows, the outbreak of financial crises, and the economic failures of populist experiments
Area of Expertise
- Macroeconomics in an Open Economy
- Financial crises
- Higher education and research policy