Catherine Lubochinsky

Member of the Cercle des économistes, Professor at the University of Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas


Catherine Lubochinsky is a professor at the University of Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas. She is an independent director of Banque Wormser, a member of the Scientific Committee of the ACPR, as well as of the Scientific Council of Citéco. Among her previous positions, she was a member of the ACPR Supervisory Board and Vice-President of the Scientific Committee. She has also been a director of LCH, Managing Director of the Global Risk Institute in Financial Services in Toronto, Chair of EUSRF (The European Money and Finance Forum), member of the European Shadow Financial Regulation Committee, and consultant for various institutions and companies, including BNPP, Amundi, Metnext, Liffe-Euronext, and Banque de France.

Catherine Lubochinsky holds a Ph.D. in banking firming, interest rate risk and futures markets.

Area of Expertise

  • Interest rate
  • Derivatives
  • Asset Management
  • Financial regulation