Olivier Pastré

Member of the Cercle des économistes


Professor at the University of Paris VIII, Olivier Pastré is a versatile economist and holds a multitude of current positions, including as Chairman of IM Bank in Tunisia, Scientific Advisor of the Revue d’Économie Financière, Director of the Association of Bank Directors, Professional Fellow of the Europlace Institute of Finance, Director of CMP Banque, Columnist at France Culture, Director of the collection at Éditions Fayard, and Founding Member of the Cercle des économistes.

He has also held various previous positions, notably as a Member of the Scientific Council of the Autorité des marchés Financiers, Deputy Chief Executive Officer and then Chief Executive Officer of GP Bank, Consultant to the OECD and the European Commission, Chargé de mission at the Treasury Department, Advisor to the Director of the Treasury, Director of Medifin and MSIN in Morocco, Director of Union Bank in Algeria, Member of the Supervisory Board of the Caisse des Dépôts, and Director of the Economic Collections of Éditions La Découverte.

His academic background includes an agrégation from the Faculties of Law and a Master of Arts in Economics from the University of Rhode Island.

Among his most recent publications are “L’énergie en état de choc” (with J-M Chevalier, Eyrolles, 2015), “Tout va bien (ou presque) – la preuve en 18 lessons” (with J.-M. Sylvestre, Éditions Fayard, 2013), and “Repenser l’économie – l’économie bottom-up”.