Eric Monnet

Winner of the Best Young Economist Award 2022


Eric Monnet, 39, is the winner of the 2022 Prize.

After studying at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, he defended his thesis in 2012 at EHESS and PSE, and it won several international prizes (Economic History Association Prize, International Economic History Association Prize). He is also the winner of the SUERF UniCredit Foundation’s Best Paper Award in 2021.

A specialist in monetary and financial history, he has a proven academic reputation in this field and beyond, as evidenced by his numerous articles in international journals of economic history.Economic History Review; Journal of Economic History; European Review of Economic History; Explorations in Economic History), but also in more generalist economic journals (The Journal of Money, Credit and Banking; Journal of International Economics; American Economic Journal : Macroeconomics). In addition to his numerous contributions to books and handbooks on monetary and financial history, he has published two books (Controlling Credit. Central Banking and the Planned Economy in Postwar France, 1948-1973, Cambridge University Press, 2018; The Provident Bank. Democratizing Central Banks and Money, Le Seuil, 2021) and has coordinated several collective works or special issues of journals devoted to the place of economic analysis and economists in political decision-making. He regularly intervenes as an expert with institutions (Banque de France, Conseil d’analyse économique, CEPR, IMF), in the public debate and in the press.

His work is part of a growing trend in international research to analyse contemporary monetary and financial phenomena in the light of the long term and the lessons of history. Historical developments are not reduced to long-term statistics but are thought of as political or institutional configurations, permanent or singular, and enlightened by the current tools of economic analysis. Based on studies on the first globalization (1880-1914), the crisis of the 1930s and the post-war decades (1950-70), Eric Monnet tackles current questions relating to unconventional monetary policies and credit allocation, ecological planning, the role of central banks and their international cooperation in terms of financial stability, the global financial cycle and public debt financing conditions.