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Publications in English

The Factory-Free Economy the shift from an industrial to a service economy, and the need to invest in new infrastructure and education to prepare coming generations for their changing roles.

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Articles in English

Transforming France for dynamism and inclusion

...every government has strong views on education although often they don’t actually do very much about it… It seems to me that for these last 25 years, what we have needed is for political parties to act pragmatically and look at particular, relatively well defined problems and...

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Articles in English

The EU-US economic partnership in an era of globalization

...say that there is no other field than higher education and research where the excellence of the American model is more powerful. In that sense, cooperation is a sort of emulation, we know that we could do better and which direction to explore, which priorities to select. The 2000...

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International Events

Economic Rendez-vous of the Mediterranean 2012

...mobility of students, researchers and entrepreneurs. - The extension of the Erasmus program. - The deepening of cooperation between Institutes of education and research. - The strengthening of public / private partnerships. - A common strategy for relocation of industrial activities in...

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International Events

Economic Rendez-vous of the Mediterranean 2014

...been dedicated to them. The sectors concerned are for the essential social action, the financial activities and insurance, education, and health. In contrast, the trade and the industry are very poorly represented.  

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