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Publications in English

Progress or Freedom

Technological dominance is shifting the balance of global economic stability. This is the central premise behind the latest book from Lorenzi and Berrebi who view the rise of artificial intelligence, robotics, use of private data, and genetic transformation, among other developments, culminating in...

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Articles in English

Final declaration REAix2019

RENEWING TRUST ! This final statement from Le Cercle des économistes is a call to reason, to greater lucidity and most of all, a call to action in order for us to face the great disruptions of our time, be they democratic, territorial, commercial, geopolitical, social or ecological. A...

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Publications in English

Between China and France : Multi-colored roads

Like a prism deflecting a bearm of white jight into multiple colored rays and wavelengths, this essay commissioned to Jean-Paul Betbeze by the Fondation Prospective et Innovation examines the chances presented to and by France as China rises into the 21th Century. Combining buoyant prose and...

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Publications in English

A Violent World

During the 1990s Francis Fukuyama announced the end of history. The 2000s showed how it is an illusion to imagine a peaceful world without conflict. In this book, the authors explore how six major constraints are set to fix the trajectory of the global economy. Three of them are new: the...

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Articles in English

Global Capitalism vs Diverse Societies: Challenges for Europe

This article was written by two members of Le Cercle des économistes, Catherine Lubochinsky and Jean-Pisani Ferry, at the occasion of its 2007 forum, Les Rencontres Economiques d'Aix-en-Provence : "Which capitalism for the 21th century ?" As an epigraph to a recent paper where he describes...

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