Vice-President and Treasurer of the Paris School of Economics
Previous Positions:
Director-General of INSEE
Planning Commissioner
Head of Asset and Liability Management at BNP, member of the BNP General Management Committee
Director of Economic Research at BNP
Director of CEPII
Chief of Staff to Jean Le Garrec, Secretary of State to the Prime Minister in charge of Planning and then the Civil Service
Professor of Economics at the École Centrale
Vice-President, then President of the French Association of Economic Science
Key Publications:
“The use of economic analysis in the conduct of environmental policies: the example of solar energy”, Annales d’économie et de statistique, special issue n°1, 2012
“Perspectives on Statistical Information: Six Major Changes,” Revue d’économie financière, August 2010
“The Code of Good Practice for European Statistics: Genesis, Elaboration and Application”, Journal de la société française de statistique, n°4, 2006
“Prospective Economic Study of the Nuclear Electricity Sector”, Report to the Prime Minister, with B. Dessus and R. Pellat, La Documentation française, 2000
“The Future of Our Pensions”, Report to the Prime Minister, La Documentation française, 1999
“L’économie française en perspective”, Rapport pour le Commissariat général du Plan, La Découverte, 1993