A unique representation of young people

For two months, the Cercle des économistes, in collaboration with the media Jam, spoke with 90,000 young people from all walks of life, aged 18 to 30. An open discussion, without taboos, without prejudice, via the instant messaging Messenger, of which here are the results.

This conversation took place in two stages. From January 17 to February 27, 2024. More than 12,000 young people aged 18 to 30 participated in six thematic conversations, open to all. In each of the conversations, 500 respondents were then randomly selected in order to reach the quotas set in terms of age, gender, CSP and region (INSEE 2020). Then, from March 11 to April 5, 2024, more than 90,000 people reacted and enriched the results of these conversations on social networks.

Equal opportunities

Valuing and developing new skills in young people to prepare for the challenges of tomorrow

Giving everyone the same opportunities for success, regardless of their background or characteristics, is a foundation of the social contract. However, this promise is not fully kept today, in the face of persistent discrimination and stigmatized sectors. There is an urgent need to act to value individual differences and meet the growing needs of young people in terms of social commitment, integration of digital technology and ecology into their educational and professional careers.

  • 62%

    did not have enough information about the different courses and study options

  • 16%

    place money as the first criterion for success, far behind “making your loved ones proud” (28%) and “loving your job” (27%)

  • 74%

    have already been or fear being discriminated against. A much higher figure among women (82%)

  • 52%

    find that vocational training is devalued

  • 69%

    are in favour of better training on equal opportunities issues

  • 94%

    find it wise to learn from middle school to integrate digital technology into their know-how and interpersonal skills

“One Health”

The environment in which young people build themselves and evolve has a direct impact on their health and opportunities

In a world where the climate is changing and biodiversity is eroding, it is difficult to project oneself serenely, and the idea of “one health” must be taken more seriously than ever. We observe that the trajectories of young people in terms of health are strongly influenced by their geographical but also social origin, with inequalities in access to care and information on their health and that of their direct environment. Where they live also impacts their health and well-being, affecting their future.

  • 2/3

    express that their place of residence has had an impact on their health

  • 1/2

    Has ever sought help with their mental health

  • 70%

    have to make trade-offs about their health for budgetary reasons

  • 52%

    say they are not well

  • 58%

    pay attention to their health on a daily basis

  • 48%

    have difficulty understanding the origin and composition of the products they buy

Citizen action

Towards new forms of engagement

Young people are turning away from the ballot box en masse, with 71% abstention in the last legislative elections and 42% in the presidential election among 18-24 year olds. However, this generation is not disengaged. It prefers concrete and direct forms of commitment, valuing mutual aid and the collective. Their vision of social success is not based on money, but on volunteer actions and a life aligned with their passions and values.

  • 64%

    do not feel represented by anyone in politics

  • 78%

    consider that their voice does not count in political decisions

  • 1/2

    For one in two young people, commitment is first and foremost volunteering. In fact, 78% have already participated in a volunteer or civic action.

  • 79%

    are engaged or would like to be engaged

  • 84%

    believe that sport helps social inclusion

  • 28%

    believe that social success is determined by making friends and family proud, far ahead of earning money (16%)

— To go further