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“What a joy to see the creation of a new journal dedicated to the social sciences!”

What a joy to see the creation of a new journal dedicated to the social sciences! For 30 years now, the Cercle des économistes has had the primary ambition of creating a dialogue between political economy and all the neighbouring but very different disciplines, sociology, history, geopolitics, etc. It has also been 23 years since, through the Rencontres Économiques d’Aix-en-Provence, this debate has begun, reflections are being built, theses are debated, discussed, confrontations have taken place on everything that has directly or indirectly questioned the world. But we had never even imagined creating a real journal that would reflect this objective of a definitively open and lively discipline.

There are many economics journals that value this approach and methods that are so characteristic of the discipline. It took two brilliant and daring young minds, Clément Lebourg and Alban Schneyder, the editors-in-chief of Mermoz, to produce four Cahiers last year that developed the theme of the Rencontres d’Aix, “Recreating Hope”. These four collections, starting from “dispelling uncertainties” to “initiating rebounds”, already testified to a real positive but reasoned approach. All this was a trial run that is now coming to an end. Mermoz is and will continue to be one of the most important journals of societal reflection. It will draw on the work of the members of the Circle and contributors from all disciplines, business, politics and civil society. Thank you to those who participated in this first issue and are joining this great adventure.

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