Hippolyte d’Albis is a research director at the CNRS, currently seconded to the General Inspectorate of Finance. He is also a professor at the Paris School of Economics, vice-president of the Cercle des économistes, director of the French team of National Transfer Accounts, columnist for Les Echos, and associate editor of the Journal of Demographic Economics, the Journal of the Economics of Ageing and Public Finance Review.
He holds a doctorate in economics from the University of Paris 1 and has been a lecturer at the University of Toulouse 1, a professor at the University of Montpellier 3 and a professor at the University of Paris 1. He was also Director of the Panthéon-Sorbonne Economics Doctoral School, Deputy Scientific Director at the INSHS of the CNRS, Project Manager at the Ministry of Research and Higher Education and Director of the École des Hautes Études en Démographie.
His academic work focuses on the economic consequences of demographic change. They have been published in economics, demography, mathematics journals and also in general journals such as Science, Science Advances, Scientific Reports and Plos One. He was elected to the Institut universitaire de France and is the winner of the Philippe Michel prize for the young researcher in economic dynamics, the prize for the best young economist awarded by Le Monde and the Cercle des économistes, a research grant from theEuropean Research Council and the Grand Prix de la protection sociale awarded by the Caisse des dépôts et consignations and the En3s for his book “Seniors and Employment”.
Area of Expertise
- Economic Effects of Demographic Change
- Macroeconomics, growth
- Longevity, ageing
- International Migration
- Intergenerational Economic Transfers
- Real estate