Xavier Chojnicki
Nominated for Best Young Economist Award 2018
Nicolas Coeurdacier
Nominated for Best Young Economist Award 2016
Mathieu Couttenier
Nominated for Best Young Economist Award 2019
Pascaline Dupas
Winner of the Best Young Economist Award
Marc Ferracci
David Hémous
Nominated for Best Young Economist Award
Elise Huillery
Nominée Prix du Meilleur Jeune Économiste 2014
Xavier Jaravel
Winner of the Best Young Economist Award 2021
Camille Landais
Winner of the Best Young Economist Award 2016
Augustin Landier
Lauréat Prix du Meilleur Jeune Économiste 2014
Clément Malgouyres
Nominated Best Young Economist Award 2022
Isabelle Méjean
Member of the Cercle des économistes, Professor in the Economics Department at Sciences Po